TNP India

At a glance

Created in 2017 with the desire to build a technology center to support our global activities, TNP India is the largest subsidiary of TNP Group outside of France.

TNP India supports large international companies in India and Asia. The goal? “To be a leader in India and Europe of large, complex business transformation programs”. We are based in Kochi, Mumbai and Delhi.

Our Locations

“ TNP India perfectly embodies the hybrid DNA of TNP Group: it is what makes us unique and successful. Our team of business/technology experts are committed to designing, developing and implementing customized and pragmatic solutions to deliver the best results for our customers.”

Arun Sadheesh, Country Director & Associate Partner, TNP India

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Our Ambitions

  • India possesses the largest technologically skilled and capable populace in the world, thanks to its efficient and competent workforce.
  • Over the years, TNP India has built a methodical and talented team, qualified in delivering projects at scale all over the world. It is our commitment to bring the best of European consulting to meet with passion the present and future challenges of our Indian and international clients in this digital age.
  • India is also key for the TNP Group’s expansion into the Chinese and South-East Asian markets. TNP India is also one of the sponsors of the Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry and works in close partnership with Business France India.

Our Strengths

  • Our hybrid DNA: business & technology!
  • Vast expertise in ensuring operational excellence of the highest order/ across multiple sectors
  • Highly skilled and competent Digital Factory comprising a plethora of technological skillsets (AI, Data Science, Data Viz, RPA, Salesforce, Power Apps, S/W Development, UI/ UX)
  • Prowess and proficiency in data protection know-how (Data Privacy by Design, GDPR & PDPB, cyber security)

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Arun SADHEESHCountry Director & Associate Partner, TNP India
Veena K NManager HR- Learning and Development
Matthieu LebeurrePartner
